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10 Best Documentaries About Medieval Times To Watch

These documentaries about medieval times, spanning roughly from the 5th to the 15th century, show a time of chivalry, castles, knights, and tumultuous political upheaval.

The Middle Ages marked a crucial phase in the evolution of European and world history, where the legacy of the Roman Empire intertwined with the emergence of feudal societies and the rise of powerful kingdoms.

Documentaries About Medieval Times

These documentaries about medieval times offer a window into an era of swordplay, pageantry, and profound historical significance. Whether you’re interested in the Crusades, the lives of knights and nobles, or the mysteries of medieval society, there’s a documentary to suit your historical curiosity.

There are many documentaries about this time period, but these are 10 of the best to watch.

Medieval Lives (2004)

Medieval Lives is a captivating documentary series hosted by British historian and writer Terry Jones. The series takes an informative and often humorous approach to exploring various aspects of medieval life.

Jones delves into the roles and experiences of people from different social classes and backgrounds during the Middle Ages, shedding light on their daily lives, beliefs, and challenges.

Each episode of the series focuses on a particular medieval role, offering an engaging and accessible perspective on this fascinating historical period.

Throughout the series, Terry Jones brings his unique blend of historical knowledge and humour to the screen, making it both entertaining and educational.

The episodes cover a range of medieval roles, such as knights, damsels, monks, and outlaws, providing insights into the cultural, social, and political dynamics of the era.

Medieval Lives is a great choice for anyone interested in a lighthearted yet informative exploration of the Middle Ages and the people who inhabited it.

Out of all the documentaries about medieval times, this is the favourite of the Backpackingman team.

The first episode on YouTube:

The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross (2005)

The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross is a compelling documentary that provides a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of the medieval Crusades.

The Crusades were a series of military campaigns and religious conflicts that took place between the 11th and 13th centuries.

They were initiated by Christian European powers with the goal of reclaiming the Holy Land, particularly Jerusalem, from Muslim control. This documentary delves into the historical context, motives, key figures, battles, and the consequences of these conflicts.

The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross provides a balanced perspective, offering insights into the motivations and actions of both Christian Crusaders and the Muslim defenders. It also explores the cultural and religious clashes that defined this tumultuous period in history.

Narrated by actor Jeremy Irons, the documentary is known for its engaging storytelling and use of historical reenactments.

It provides a thorough examination of the Crusades, shedding light on the complex interactions between Western and Middle Eastern cultures during the medieval era.

This is one of the best documentaries about medieval times if you have an interest in learning about the Crusades and it’s a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of this significant chapter in medieval history.

The Plantagenets (2014)

The Plantagenets is a documentary series that provides an in-depth exploration of the history of the Plantagenet dynasty, one of the most powerful and influential royal families in medieval England.

The Plantagenets ruled England from the mid-12th century through the late 15th century, and their reign saw significant developments in English history, including political struggles, warfare, and the establishment of key legal and governmental institutions.

It gives an overview of the dynasty’s history, tracing their rise to power, the key figures within the family, and the major events and conflicts that defined their rule. It covers notable Plantagenet monarchs such as Henry II, Richard the Lionheart, and Edward III, among others.

The Plantagenets is narrated and presented by historian Professor Robert Bartlett, known for his expertise in medieval history.

The series combines historical analysis, expert interviews, and visits to historical sites to provide an engaging and informative account of this influential medieval dynasty and the impact it had on the course of English history.

One of the best documentaries about medieval times in England.

The Normans (2010)

The Normans is a documentary series that provides a comprehensive exploration of the history and influence of the Normans, a medieval people of Scandinavian origin who played a significant role in shaping the course of European history.

The Normans are known for their remarkable achievements in various fields, including military conquest, governance, architecture, and culture.

This series delves into the origins of the Normans, their early history in Normandy (in present-day France), and their subsequent expansion across Europe and the Mediterranean.

It covers key events such as the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 under William the Conqueror, the Norman influence in southern Italy and Sicily, and their participation in the Crusades.

The Normans is narrated and presented by historian Professor Robert Bartlett, known for his expertise in medieval history. It offers a valuable insight into the history of the Normans and their far-reaching influence on medieval Europe and beyond.

Easily the best one out of these documentaries about medieval times for learning more about the Normans.

Lost Worlds: The Vikings (2007)

Lost Worlds: The Vikings is an episode from the documentary series “Lost Worlds”. This particular episode offers an engaging exploration of the Viking Age, a crucial era in medieval history characterized by the Norse seafarers’ extensive exploration, trade, and conquests.

The documentary delves into various aspects of Viking life and culture, shedding light on their seafaring prowess, trading routes, and legendary raids on distant lands. It also covers the Norse sagas and myths that shaped their worldview.

Lost Worlds: The Vikings is known for its historical reenactments, which bring to life scenes from the Viking Age, providing you with a visual and immersive experience of this fascinating period in history.

For those interested in the Viking Age, this documentary offers a captivating and informative window into the world of the Norse seafarers, their exploration of new territories, and their enduring influence on the history and culture of the regions they visited and settled.

The video is available to watch on YouTube but not available to embed here (for some reason) Follow this link to watch it on YouTube.

Inside the Medieval Mind (2008)

Inside the Medieval Mind is a documentary series hosted by historian Robert Bartlett, that provides a deep and insightful exploration of the thoughts, beliefs, and values of people living in the medieval period.

The series delves into the complex and often mysterious aspects of medieval life, including religion, superstition, love, and the relationship between individuals and their society.

Robert Bartlett brings his expertise in medieval history to the screen, helping viewers gain a better understanding of the intellectual and emotional landscape of the era.

Inside the Medieval Mind combines historical analysis, expert commentary, and visits to relevant historical sites and artefacts to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience.

It is known for its informative and engaging approach to unravelling the thoughts and attitudes of medieval people.

This documentary series is an excellent choice for those interested in delving into the psychology and cultural perspectives of individuals in the Middle Ages making it one of the best documentaries about medieval times.

Secrets of the Castle with Ruth, Peter, and Tom (2014)

Secrets of the Castle with Ruth, Peter, and Tom is a captivating documentary series in which historian and presenter Ruth Goodman, archaeologist Peter Ginn, and craftsman Tom Pinfold embark on a remarkable journey to recreate a medieval castle using historically accurate techniques and materials.

The series offers a unique and hands-on perspective on medieval architecture, construction, and daily life.

The team, along with a group of volunteers, works to build a medieval castle from scratch, using only the tools and methods that would have been available in the Middle Ages.

This immersive and educational project involves recreating various elements of castle life, including the construction of the castle itself, the establishment of a medieval kitchen, and the recreation of medieval clothing and crafts.

Secrets of the Castle provides a detailed and engaging look at the complexities of medieval construction and daily life. The documentary showcases the challenges faced by medieval builders and craftspeople and offers insights into the technology and techniques they employed.

If you’re interested in medieval architecture, construction methods, and daily life in a castle, this documentary series provides a unique and hands-on perspective about this aspect of medieval times.

Britain’s Bloody Crown (2016)

The War of the Roses is a series that explores the conflict known as the Wars of the Roses, a series of civil wars and power struggles that took place in England during the late 15th century.

The Wars of the Roses were a key historical event in medieval England and had a profound impact on the country’s history.

This series delves into the causes, key figures, battles, and consequences of the Wars of the Roses. The conflict primarily revolved around the rival claims to the English throne by the houses of Lancaster and York, two noble families with competing royal bloodlines.

Narrated by historian Dan Jones, the documentary series features historical reenactments, expert interviews, and visits to historical sites associated with the Wars of the Roses.

It aims to provide a balanced and comprehensive view of the events and personalities that defined this tumultuous period in English history.

The Dark Ages: An Age of Light (2012)

The Dark Ages: An Age of Light is a four-part documentary series created by the BBC. The series, presented by historian and art critic Waldemar Januszczak, aims to challenge the commonly held perception of the European Middle Ages as a period of cultural stagnation and ignorance.

In The Dark Ages: An Age of Light, Januszczak explores the artistic and intellectual achievements of the Early Middle Ages, roughly spanning from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the beginning of the Renaissance in the 14th century.

The term “Dark Ages” traditionally referred to this period as one marked by a lack of cultural and intellectual progress.

He explores the development of various artistic styles and forms, such as illuminated manuscripts, mosaics, and architecture, including the construction of impressive Gothic cathedrals.

The Dark Ages: An Age of Light provides a fresh perspective on a historical era often underestimated and misunderstood.

By highlighting the creativity and intellectual life of the period, the series seeks to shed new light on a time once considered to be dark.

The Dark Ages (2007)

If you’re looking for a brilliant general overview of the entire medieval period then “The Dark Ages” by the History Channel is definitely one of the best documentaries about medieval times to watch.

For more learning about medieval times take a look at the 15 best medieval books to read.

Medieval Times

These documentaries about medieval times offer a diverse range of perspectives on medieval history, allowing viewers to gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating period in human history.

For more on medieval times take a look at the best 21 medieval movies to watch.

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