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15 Interesting Facts About Squirrels

These fun facts about squirrels, those charismatic and nimble rodents found in a variety of habitats around the world that captivate our attention with their acrobatics and endearing behaviour, show how truly remarkable they are.

These small, bushy-tailed creatures have evolved numerous intriguing traits and characteristics that make them stand out in the animal kingdom.

Facts About Squirrels

From their diverse species to their incredible agility and unique communication methods, squirrels are a source of fascination for naturalists and animal enthusiasts alike.

A quick side note. You may be wondering what a backpacking website has to do with squirrels and to be honest, absolutely nothing in the general sense.

It’s just that we love squirrels, having lived around them for many years, and wanted to share some knowledge about how great they are with you. For my regular readers, don’t laugh that I am writing about squirrels! They’re so cute!

Anyway, these are some interesting quick facts about squirrels.

Squirrel Diversity

Squirrels belong to the family Sciuridae, which includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, and prairie dogs. There are more than 200 species of squirrels worldwide.


Squirrels can be found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. They adapt to various environments, from forests and urban areas to grasslands and deserts.


What do squirrels eat in the wild? Squirrels are omnivores, primarily consuming nuts, seeds, and fruits. They are known to eat insects, bird eggs, and fungi as well. Their diet varies depending on the species and the food available in their habitat.


Squirrels have strong, continuously growing incisor teeth that require constant gnawing to prevent overgrowth. This is one reason why they often chew on various objects, including trees and even electrical wires.

Tail Function

A squirrel’s bushy tail serves several purposes. It helps with balance when they’re climbing trees and serves as a form of communication, conveying information about their mood and intentions.


Squirrels communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations, including chirps, barks, and whistles. They also use their tail movements and body language to signal warnings and information to other squirrels.


Squirrels build nests, called dreys, in trees using leaves, twigs, and other materials. These nests provide shelter and protection for them and their young.


Squirrels are renowned for their agility and acrobatic abilities. They can leap between trees, often covering impressive distances, thanks to their strong hind legs and sharp claws.


Squirrels are known to cache (store) food for future use, and they have excellent spatial memory. They can locate these hidden stashes of food even months later.

Mating and Reproduction

Most squirrel species have a mating season in late winter or early spring. Gestation periods vary among species, but on average, it lasts around 38-45 days. Squirrels typically give birth to a litter of 2-8 pups, which are born blind and hairless.


The lifespan of a squirrel varies by species, but on average, they live for 6-12 years in the wild. However, many squirrels do not survive their first year due to predation and environmental factors.


What do squirrels hate? Predators of course! There are many numerous ones including hawks, owls, foxes, and domestic pets. Their ability to escape from predators by leaping and darting among trees is a key survival strategy.

Squirrel Species

Some common squirrel species include the Eastern Gray Squirrel, Red Squirrel, Fox Squirrel, and Flying Squirrel. Flying squirrels have a special membrane called a patagium that allows them to glide from tree to tree.

Urban Adaptation

Squirrels have adapted well to urban environments, often relying on human-provided food sources, such as bird feeders and garbage cans.

Contributions to Ecosystems

Squirrels play a crucial role in seed dispersal by burying nuts and seeds. Unrecovered caches can result in the growth of new plants, making them important for forest regeneration.


These facts about squirrels show remarkable creatures with a wide range of adaptations and behaviours make them an integral part of many ecosystems.

These charming rodents are a testament to nature’s diversity and the beauty of the animal kingdom, captivating you with their playful antics and resourceful nature.

So, the next time you spot a squirrel scurrying through the trees or darting across your backyard, take a moment to appreciate these remarkable creatures and the role they play in our world.

And now you will know a lot more facts about squirrels as well.

For more on wildlife take a look at 15 fun facts about foxes, another one of our favourite creatures.

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