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10 Best Documentaries About Germany To Watch

These documentaries about Germany, a nation steeped in rich history and marked by profound transformation, explore its multifaceted culture, tumultuous past, and dynamic present.

From its medieval castles nestled in picturesque landscapes to its role in two world wars and subsequent reunification, Germany’s story is one of resilience, innovation, and cultural diversity.

Documentaries about Germany offer viewers a captivating journey through its landscapes, historical landmarks, and the hearts and minds of its people, providing a deeper understanding of this European powerhouse.

Documentaries About Germany

Whether you’re interested in history, politics, or art, or simply want to immerse yourself in the charm of German life, there is a documentary that will surely pique your interest and shed light on this fascinating country.

If you want an overall travel guidebook to Germany then Rick Steves Germany is the one I recommend to get.

Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis (1927)

Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis is a silent documentary film directed by Walter Ruttmann. It was released in 1927 and is considered one of the pioneering works of the city symphony genre in filmmaking.

The film presents a day in the life of Berlin in the late 1920s. It offers a poetic and visual portrayal of the city’s bustling urban life, capturing the contrast between modernity and tradition, industry and leisure, and the various facets of daily existence in a metropolis.

The film is famous for its innovative use of montage, rhythm, and visual effects to create a vivid and dynamic portrayal of the city.

Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis does not follow a traditional narrative but instead assembles a series of images and scenes to convey the essence of the city.

It features shots of bustling streets, factories, traffic, sports events, and more, accompanied by a musical score composed by Edmund Meisel.

The film is regarded as a classic of avant-garde and experimental cinema, and it remains influential in the history of documentary filmmaking and one of the best German documentaries of all time.

You can watch it for free on YouTube:

A German Youth (2015)

A German Youth explores the history of the Red Army Faction (RAF), a left-wing militant organization in West Germany that was active during the 1970s and 1980s.

The RAF was known for its acts of violence, including bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations.

The documentary uses archival footage, news clips, and interviews to provide a historical overview of the RAF and its activities.

It also examines the social and political context of the time, including the student protests of the late 1960s and early 1970s in West Germany, which played a role in the radicalization of some young people who later joined the RAF.

A German Youth offers a critical look at the motivations and actions of the RAF members and raises questions about the political climate and ideological struggles of that era.

It provides a perspective on the turbulent and controversial period in West Germany’s history and the impact of political extremism on society and is one of the best documentaries about Germany for that period in time.


Rick Steves Germany Series (2014 onwards)

Rick Steves is one of the best travel writers and guides there is and he also does short series exploring different parts of the world, in this case Germany.

Each episode is short, being only around 25 minutes in length, but he goes into detail about various destinations that he visits in Germany.

There are several episodes about his travels in the country and out of all these documentaries about Germany, this is the best documentary travelogue to watch to see various parts of the country as it is today.

Get inspired to travel to Germany with this excellent series.

You can find each episode for free on YouTube. This is the one set in Berlin to get you started:

Hitler: A Career (1977)

Hitler: A Career provides an in-depth examination of Adolf Hitler’s life and political career, from his early days to his rise to power as the leader of Nazi Germany and his eventual downfall.

The film uses archival footage, photographs, and interviews with individuals who knew Hitler or were involved in his regime to piece together the narrative of his life and the events that led to World War II and the Holocaust.

It explores Hitler’s personal background, his experiences in Vienna and during World War I, his role in the Nazi Party, and his transformation into a dictator.

“Hitler: A Career” is known for its historical accuracy and comprehensive portrayal of Hitler’s life and the historical context in which he operated.

It has been widely regarded as an important documentary for understanding the history of the 20th century, the rise of fascism, and the devastating consequences of Hitler’s leadership.


The Germanic Tribes – The Ascent of Civilization (2019)

The Germanic Tribes: The Ascent of Civilization explores the history and culture of the Germanic peoples, who played a significant role in the development of Europe.

The Germanic tribes were a group of Indo-European peoples who inhabited parts of Northern Europe during antiquity and the early Middle Ages.

They were divided into various tribes and subgroups, including the Goths, Vandals, Franks, Saxons, and many others.

Out of all the documentaries about Germany, if you want one that shows the history of the Germanic people from ancient times to the Viking age, then this is the one to watch.

You can watch the full documentary for free on YouTube:

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1968)

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich documentary is based on a non-fiction book written by American journalist and author William L. Shirer, first published in 1960.

It provides a visual and documentary format to explore the history of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler’s leadership, and the events leading up to World War II and the subsequent downfall of the Third Reich.

This documentary series features historical footage, interviews with key figures and experts, and a detailed examination of the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party, as well as the significant events of World War II.

It offers a comprehensive look at the subject matter and is a valuable resource for those interested in this period of history.

You can watch the full documentary for free on YouTube:

Beuys (2017)

Beuys is a documentary about the life and work of the renowned German artist Joseph Beuys.

Joseph Beuys was a significant figure in the world of contemporary art, known for his performances, sculptures, and installations. He was born in 1921 and became a prominent artist in the post-World War II era. Beuys was known for his use of unconventional materials and his performances that often blended art and activism.

The documentary “Beuys” delves into his life, his artistic journey, and the profound influence he had on the art world. It explores his unconventional approaches to art and his engagement with social and political issues.

Joseph Beuys was not only an artist but also a teacher and a thinker, and the film provides insights into his philosophy and artistic vision.


Hitler’s Children (2011)

Hitler’s Children is directed by Chanoch Ze’evi and the film explores the lives and experiences of the descendants of high-ranking Nazi officials.

These individuals carry the burden of their family history and the crimes committed by their relatives during the Holocaust and World War II.

The documentary features interviews with some of these descendants, including Bettina Göring (the great-niece of Hermann Göring) and Rainer Höss (the grandson of Rudolf Höss, the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp).

It delves into their struggles, emotions, and efforts to come to terms with the dark legacy of their forebears.

Hitler’s Children is a thought-provoking documentary that raises questions about the moral responsibility of individuals for the actions of their ancestors and the impact of such a legacy on their lives.

Now that we’ve looked at some of the more serious side of the country’s past and some travel documentaries about Germany, let’s take a look at some documentaries that explore the nature of the country.

Wild Germany (2009)

Wild Germany is a documentary television series that explores the diverse and unique wildlife found in Germany.

It was produced by the German television network ZDF and consists of multiple episodes, each focusing on a different aspect of the country’s natural environment and the animals that inhabit it.

Throughout the series, you can expect to see stunning footage of Germany’s landscapes, from its lush forests to its rugged mountains, and learn about the various species of animals that call this country home.

Wild Germany provides insights into the behaviour, habitats, and conservation efforts related to these animals.

It combines educational content with breathtaking cinematography to give you a deeper understanding of the beauty and biodiversity found in Germany’s wilderness.

Out of these documentaries about Germany, if you want one for wildlife and nature, then this is the one to watch.

You can find all the episodes to watch for free on YouTube. This is the first in the series:

Germany’s Wild Wolves: As They Really Are (2019)

Germany’s Wild Wolves: As They Really Are explores the resurgence of the wolf population in Germany and provides an in-depth look at the lives of these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

The film focuses on the return of wolves to Germany and their interactions with the local environment and human communities.

Wolves were once extirpated from Germany but have been gradually returning to the country over the past few decades.

This return has been met with both fascination and concern, as it raises questions about coexistence with humans, livestock protection, and conservation efforts.

Extra Recommendation: Babylon Berlin

Babylon Berlin is not a documentary but an excellent TV series showing Berlin during the 1920s and 30s.

If you have any interest in Berlin and German history from that time then I would say this is a must-watch series.


For more documentaries in the region take a look at the 10 best documentaries about France.


These documentaries about Germany offer a diverse and thought-provoking look at the country’s history, culture, and society, providing valuable insights into this fascinating nation.

If you want a great overall travel guide to Germany then Rick Steves Germany is the one I recommend to get.

If you’re planning a visit to Germany you can find hotels in Berlin here, plus other destinations in the country.

For more on Germany take a look at the 30 best castles in Germany to visit.

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